My husband thought quite a bit of her and so did I. An interesting, smart, talented, energetic, opinionated, and feisty woman who could be counted on to spill the beans on everyone, I thought she would be a good choice to interview. I was right. Over our periodic Rummikub and Gin Rummy games (she cheated and we all knew it) I would question her. She knew some about her late husbands family and offered to loan me a photo album he had kept. Within that album was a family ledger that her husbands maternal grandfather (my husbands great grandfather) had kept. Bingo! I now had the names of some of my mother in laws ancestors and photos of my husband as a child that even he had never seen.
I scanned the ledger, blew it up on my computer screen and with some internet tutorials on old Germanic script I was on my way. Margret turned out to be a great resource that I went to again and again. She was my bridge back to family in Germany. You gotta love Tante Margret!
Otto's Kränzle's "Famlien Stammbuch" (family ledger) can be viewed by clicking the tab up top of the blog. or just click HERE!