Grandmother Elisabeth Schwebel Feick's birth record was found the same way as grandfathers going through the 1897 Reinheim, Hesse birth records, of the year 1897, one by one. It seems she was initially named Elise while future records all showed various versions of Elisabeth. There are many variations and diminutives of Elisabeth used in Germany, one being Elise. That should have occurred to me before now.
Hesse Germany Births 1851-1901, accessed 5 Feb 2018
Geburtenregister und Namensverzeichnisse. Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, Wiesbaden,
Deutschland: Personenstandsregister Geburtsregister; Signatur: 902; Laufende Nummer: 918
Elise was the second of three children born to Friedrich Schwebel and Margarethe Wörtche.
Paternal Grandmother
Elise Schwebel
b: 25 May 1897 Reinheim, Hesse, Germany
d: 20 August 1938 Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany
***click on document to enlarge for easier reading***