Groß-Bieberau, Hessen, Germany
The last Feick (of our line) to be born in Germany |
This is my husband. He was born in Groß-Bieberau, Hessen, Germany, post WWII in the home of his grandmother. He doesn't remember her. His other three grandparents had died well before he was born. Born into a defeated, war-devastated and hungry Germany his family saw no future. When he was 4 his parents and his only uncle emigrated bringing him and his 5-year-old sister to a new life in the States. He grew up playing in the streets of Chicago and very soon no longer spoke nor understood German. My in-laws rarely spoke of life back in Germany and maybe for good reason. I cannot imagine what horrors they may have seen during WWII but I cannot honestly say I have any sympathy for a Germany that initiated the Holocaust. The family Feick, my father in law had once told me, had been in Groß-Bieberau since the 1600's. My husband has never been back to Groß-Bieberau and has no desire to do so. The family Feick may have been there since the 1600's but he knows no one there and to him, it is just a another place on the map. All that remains of his German heritage is passing on to his children the name Feick.
I have worked on my own family tree extensively and now, for my children and grandchildren (and of course my own curiosity), I have been working on my husbands family tree. I started this site as a way to document the bits and pieces of the Feick family heritage that I have found and am continuing to search for. Are you perhaps a Feick (alternately spelled Feik)? I believe many of us are related, descended from the same Hans Feick/Feik born 1595 in Ernsthofen, Starkenburg, Germany. Or have you a Feick in your family tree? If so, let's connect and share?