
Birth of great grandmother Wilhelmine Kilian Hindel Seitel; Germany Select Births and Baptisms 1558-1898 Worms, 1883

The Herrnsheim, Rheinhessen, Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany birth record of Great grandmother Wilhelmine Kilian. 1883, the  sixth birth, on the 22nd of January, the daughter of Catholic factory worker Johannes Kilian and Margaretha Kilian, maiden name Heinrich, also Catholic. They reside in Herrnsheim. The birth was reported by her father Johannes Kilian who signed this document.

Great Grandmother
Wilhelmine Kilian Hindel Seitel

Wilhelmine's first husband (our ancestor) was quite a bit older than she leaving Wilhelmine a fairly young widow at his passing. She then married Josef Seitel (shown above). He was a widower with ten children, most of them grown. That would seem to be a bit of baggage for her to take on but it would appear and it was reported that their marriage was a happy one and Wilhelmine was quite fond of her stepchildren and they of her.