The city of Worms, Germany has been a Roman Catholic bishopric since at least 614 and an important palatinate of no other than Charlemagne. It was an Imperial Free city of the Holy Roman Empire. Among more than the 100 Imperial Diets (assemblies) held at Worms, the Diet of Worms in 1521 ended with the Edict of Worms in which Martin Luther was declared a heretic. Please understand, my family, that good old Martin had no intention of leaving the church but his study of the Word of God compelled him to ask the church to get back to the basics of Christianity and eliminate some of the questionable practices. The Roman Catholic church to their credit later reformed many of those practices themselves. Alas too late for Martin Luther who was excommunicated but good news for us. Those that agreed with Martin are now known as Lutherans maybe because the term Martians was already taken (ooh that was a bad bad pun, sorry).
In this article from the Economist click and read↓
This is an interesting read and gives more insight into how our ancestors of yesterday molded and influenced the people we are today.
" I am bound by the Scriptures I have quoted
and my conscience is captive to the Word of God.
I cannot and will not recant anything,
since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience.
May God help me. Amen" - Martin Luther 1521