My husband is a carpenter. A proud member of the Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters. A Union Carpenter and proud of it. It seems it runs in the family. His father was a cabinet maker as were both his grandfathers, along with his great grandfather and many many other ancestors. He could give you a multitude of reasons why a tradesman would be wise to be part of a union but there is not enough room to list them all here, nor is it the purpose of my blog to recruit new union members. I will however agree with him on all points. He would be especially proud of this document. Hubby never knew his maternal grandfather (he died in WWII) but this document unites them across time.
Josef Kränzle
Eichbachstrasse 13, Worms,
born 19 February 1902
Is registered as owner of a carpenter's workshop on 1 April 1933 in the handwerksrolle (Guild or Union)
registered in Darmstadt on 8 September 1936
Stamped and signed by the official Hessian Handicraft Chamber (Guild or Union) of Darmstadt
posting Josef's photo and signed by him.
The craft card must be handed over to the craftsmen 's office when the operation is stopped.
I wonder if Josef would be surprised and proud to know that
all of his American grandsons followed him into the carpentry trade.
**click on document to enlarge for easier reading**